Frequently Asked Questions

What is '23 Things'?
23 Things is a self-paced, online program for learning about various Web 2.0 applications. Our program is based on the original Learning 2.0 program designed by Helene Blowers, Technology Director, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County, NC in 2006.

Who can participate?
The University Library 23 Things program is open to all University of Saskatchewan library faculty and staff. Others are welcome to follow along but won't be eligible for prizes.

Why should I participate?
The University Library 23 Things program will encourage all of us to experiment and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are changing how information is used and created on the Internet today. This program incorporates the themes of the Learning & Development Committee: Working in the E-World and Being Service-Focused. Faculty and staff will have the opportunity to learn new technologies that will help to improve the patron experience as well as their personal skills to enhance life-long learning.

Also.. there are cool prizes and a party at the end of the program!

How long will it take, and can I do it at work?
Each week you should be able to complete the Thing(s) in no more than an hour to an hour and a half. You can do this on work time. A new post will appear each Monday morning from January 30th until the end of April. Week 8 of the program is a catch up week with no new material to be completed. Please see the schedule.

How will you know if I've completed each week's 'Thing'?
In week 4, you will be introduced to Google Spreadsheets and beginning this week you will be asked to start marking off the weeks you have completed in a spreadsheet. Since we are a small group, we cannot check everyone's work every week, so we rely on you to indicate to us that you have completed the assigned weeks.

Do I have to do all of the 23 things?
If you want to qualify for the grand prize you must complete all '23 Things' in the program. If you don't care about prizes, feel free to pick and choose the Things that interest you the most.

What if I already use one or more of these 'Things'?
If you already have experience using one of these 'Things', all you need to do is blog about your experience with that 'Thing'. For example: If you already have a Twitter account, just blog about your experience using it.

Can I work with other people?
Absolutely! You must create your own blog posts each week, but feel free to collaborate with others as you explore the Things.

Who developed the University Library 23 Things program?
We are members of the Learning & Development Committee, and our team members include: Barbara Bodnarchuk, Leah Knox, Christine Neilson, Lori Nizinkevich, Jamie Sofoifa, and Becky Szeman. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or email:

Technical Requirements
(1) In order to watch videos on your computer, you will need the updated version of Adobe Flash. If you don't have it on your work computer, please contact
(2) You may wish to use headphones/earphones when watching videos in order to not disrupt others working in your area. Please bring your own if you have them. If you don't, you can purchase a pair at the circulation desk in Murray or contact us at .

How can I get help?
Feel free to consult with others who are taking the program or don't hesitate to e-mail if you have questions. If you require immediate assistance, please contact the person responsible for posting that week's 'Thing'. At the end of the post, it will indicate what member from our team posted it.  **For the 2012 program, Jamie Sofoifa and Becky Szeman are no longer available, so please contact a different team member in their absence.

Based on the original Learning 2.0 program designed by Helene Blowers, our program is also based on the recent 23 Things Cambridge, 23 Things Oxford, and 23 Things on a Stick programs.