Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Introduction to the University Library 23 Things Program

What is the University Library 23 Things program?

This program was originally offered January - April, 2011 to introduce University Library Faculty and Staff to Web 2.0 applications. We are repeating the program by request. Our program is based on the original Learning 2.0 program designed by Helene Blowers, Technology Director, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County, NC in 2006.

Web 2.0 applications--such as social networking (Facebook, Twitter), blogging, bookmarking, tagging, wikis, podcasts and more--are devised for online information sharing and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

Participants will develop skills to enhance life-long learning in an online environment. This is an independent program, but participants are encouraged to work together to share their insights and discoveries with others. This is a library sponsored program and participants are encouraged to complete it at their own desk during work time.

Why should you participate?

The University Library 23 Things program will encourage all of us to experiment and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are changing how information is used and created on the Internet today. This program will incorporate the Learning & Development Committee theme, Working in the E-World. Faculty and staff will have the opportunity to learn new technologies that will help to improve the patron experience as well as their personal skills to enhance life-long learning.

Who can participate?

This program is open to all University Library Faculty and Staff.

When will this take place?
  • January to April, 2012
  • Time commitment won't be more than 1 - 1 1/2 hours per week


  1. Thanks 23 Things team! I've had a sneak peak at a few of the "things" we'll be exploring and I know that you've put in alot of work to prepare all of these lessons for us. It's going to be fun and I'm soooo excited to get started!

  2. I think it is awesome that you are offering this program again! I really enjoyed the experience!
